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algarve chiropractor treatment for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia - Can Chiropractic or Chinese Tuina Help?

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic disorder involving widespread pain and sensitivity in the entire musculoskeletal system. In addition to pain, patients will also report long-term fatigue, disturbed sleep and mood. With the cause still not known, and with no proven prevention, or known cure, treatment is typically aimed at symptom management.

Recent Evidence

Chiropractors are trained as neuro-musculoskeletal specialists, and evidence suggests that those with FM consult chiropractors quite regularly…but does chiropractic work for them? Some recent studies indicate it does.

Significant Improvement

In one example, chiropractors surveyed Fibromyalgia patients before, during and after a series of treatments to see if they responded favourably to chiropractic adjustments. 60% of the subjects in the study said they experienced a significant improvement with regard to pain reduction, improved sleep and decreased fatigue. What was especially encouraging was that these improvements were maintained in a 1-month follow up.

Responding Well

In recent weeks, we have been treating a holidaymaker with FM at our clinic and he too has responded very well. After the first session, he reported feeling better and, despite recent unusual chilly weather (Fibromyalgia sufferers prefer warmer conditions), he now feels able to do more and enjoy his holiday…and, of course, I am happy to see a satisfied patient.

If you are suffering from the pain and discomfort of Fibromyalgia and think Chiropractic or Chinese Tuina could help ease your discomfort and improve your lifestyle, please come and see us at AlgarveChiro & Tuina. You can make an appointment by calling 920290142.


algarve chiropractor fibromyalgia pain
Tim Sissons commented:

Very interesting blog. I'll be making an appointment soon.

algarve chiropractor gives chiropractic adjustments
Jenny Murray commented:

My mum's a sufferer. I'll pass this on.

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Dominic Richards commented:

This is very interesting. Will chiropractic help my arthritis?

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